Harkening to a Valentino Past

What about antiquity in ads from the 1960s?  There is a point in advertising when we shift from forward-thinking (or even present-thinking) to thinking backwards.  This Oldsmobile ad from April 11, 1969 is hardly the most prominent example of this, but it’s a start.

Faux Sixties Humility: Charlie Brown vs. Gen. Montgomery

How to find that exact apex of U.S. culture?  Let’s go a little farther out, bracketing it with two extreme points, one at the end of World War II and the other squarely in the funky late 1960s.  Somewhere between these extremes lies the exact tipping point. 1967:  Victims Rejoice The headline stating “Charlie Brown… Continue reading Faux Sixties Humility: Charlie Brown vs. Gen. Montgomery

Disneyland Matterhorn: Is There a Secret Basketball Court Inside?

Legend has it that there is a secret basketball court located inside that most famous fake mountain located in the Los Angeles area…Disneyland’s Matterhorn.  Truth or fiction? Truth. Instead of a secret Bondian evil villain lair with shark tanks and stolen Rembrandts, the secret room in the Disneyland Matterhorn is actually a half-court basketball court.… Continue reading Disneyland Matterhorn: Is There a Secret Basketball Court Inside?

Titan Missile Underground Launch Complex Cutaway

The Titan II Missile Underground Launch Complex (Large Image) is classic Cold War-era cutaway stuff.  At the Titan Missile Museum in Arizona, you can tour the entire facility.  As their brochure states: The Titan II Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) was the first liquid propellant missile that could be launched from underground. Equipped with a nine-megaton… Continue reading Titan Missile Underground Launch Complex Cutaway

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