Cheap and Easy Dreams: Spadrom Estates and Herbert Heftler

Located in Anaheim, California, Spradrom Estates was a $7.5 million development of 486 homes that broke ground in 1956. It’s still there. Hundreds of housing developments were built across the Southern California landscape in the post-World War II housing boom of the 1950s and 1960s. Like most housing developments of that period, Spadrom’s original name… Continue reading Cheap and Easy Dreams: Spadrom Estates and Herbert Heftler

Charles McGraw’s Freakishly Sad and Incongruous Death

Charles McGraw (1914-1980) was the squarest jawed of all square-jawed Hollywood actors of the golden period, always playing a tough guy of some sort: police lieutenants and sergeants, rear admirals, sheriffs, captains, gladiators. If you were a casting director and you needed a certain granite-like face with oversized features, plus a steely demeanor to match,… Continue reading Charles McGraw’s Freakishly Sad and Incongruous Death

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