3 Best Eiffel Tower Replicas in the World

Eiffel Tower vs. Replica Eiffel Towers by Height
Eiffel Tower vs. Replica Eiffel Towers by Height

Everyone loves the actual Eiffel Tower so much, some builders have found it worthwhile to build Eiffel Tower replicas.  This iron structure is found in replica form all around the world.  Eiffel Tower’s monumental 984 foot height has not even been closely matched by any of the replicas.  However, there are sizes ranging from a puny 1:16 to the impressive 1:2 (half-scale) replica in Las Vegas.

Eiffel Tower vs. Replica Eiffel Towers by Height

Paris Las Vegas Eiffel Tower Replica

Paris Las Vegas Replica Eiffel Tower

Scale:  Over 1:2

Height:  540 feet

Why So Great:  Paris Las Vegas’ sheer height makes it the best replica on the planet.

Why You’ll Never Be Fooled It’s the Real Thing:  The great aspect that contributes to the visual appeal of the real Eiffel Tower is that it is on its own, with no competing elements.  By contrast,  Paris Las Vegas’ Eiffel Tower gets lost in the clutter of the hotel and casino buildings behind it.  Not only that, half of the tower (the back two legs) rest inside the casino buildings.

About It:  At 46 stories high, Paris Las Vegas’ Eiffel Tower replica is available for touring to the general public.  Tickets for The Eiffel Tower Experience cost between $16 and $22.

Tianducheng, China

Tianducheng China Eiffel Tower Replica

Scale:  1:3

Height:  354 feet

Why So Great:   The Tianducheng Eiffel Tower replica is the only one in the world that is couched within a reasonable replica of Paris itself.

Why You’ll Never Be Fooled It’s the Real Thing:  For now, Tianducheng is a ghost town, awaiting a population that may never come.

About It:  Located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China.

Window of the World Eiffel Tower

Schenzen Window of the World Eiffel Tower Replica

Scale:  1:3

Height:  About 328 feet

Why So Great:  Like the Tianducheng Eiffel Tower, this one is an impressive 1/3rd the size of the real thing. It also helps that this tower is on the grounds of a large themepark, Winddow of the World.


By Lee Wallender

Deception, influence, fakes, illusions, themed environments, simulations, secret places, secret infrastructure, imagined places, dreamscapes, movie sets and props, evasions, camouflage, studio backlots, miniatures.

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