3 Best Eiffel Tower Replicas in the World

Eiffel Tower vs. Replica Eiffel Towers by Height

Everyone loves the actual Eiffel Tower so much, some builders have found it worthwhile to build Eiffel Tower replicas.  This iron structure is found in replica form all around the world.  Eiffel Tower’s monumental 984 foot height has not even been closely matched by any of the replicas.  However, there are sizes ranging from a… Continue reading 3 Best Eiffel Tower Replicas in the World

Disney’s RiverCountry Rotting in Fittingly Ballardian Way

In 1976, RiverCountry opened up at Walt Disney World in Florida.  By 2001, it had closed.  Now, it stands–rotting and decrepit in a manner that J.G. Ballard would have approved of.  These photos come from an excellent thread about River Country on Dis Boards. It was just a waterpark, although one of the first generation… Continue reading Disney’s RiverCountry Rotting in Fittingly Ballardian Way

Forced Perspective at Disneyland’s Main Street: How Does It Work?

Forced perspective is one of those common photographic illusions.  Let’s say you go to the Leaning Tower of Pisa and position your spouse so that he/she is pretending to hold up the tower with their hand.  That is a type of forced perspective. But another way that forced perspective is used is to give objects… Continue reading Forced Perspective at Disneyland’s Main Street: How Does It Work?

Disneyland Main Street: Fake, Well-Done, Increasingly Insignificant

One of the most prominent, yet ignored, features of Disneyland is its Main Street. Even though thousands of people walk through Main Street every day, it is vastly ignored.  Too bad, because Main Street is one of the best features of Disneyland. The main elevations for Main Street were drawn up by a former art… Continue reading Disneyland Main Street: Fake, Well-Done, Increasingly Insignificant

Disneyland Matterhorn: Is There a Secret Basketball Court Inside?

Legend has it that there is a secret basketball court located inside that most famous fake mountain located in the Los Angeles area…Disneyland’s Matterhorn.  Truth or fiction? Truth. Instead of a secret Bondian evil villain lair with shark tanks and stolen Rembrandts, the secret room in the Disneyland Matterhorn is actually a half-court basketball court.… Continue reading Disneyland Matterhorn: Is There a Secret Basketball Court Inside?

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