No Down Payment (1957)

No Down Payment begins peppy and optimistic as the two central characters, a couple, move to Sunrise Hills, a Southern California suburb. Things turn dark quickly. This is pure John Cheever and Raymond Carver and Mad Men all tossed together. No Down Payment is not a perfect movie, and the ending has a bit of a deus ex machina moment. The acting is spot-on. I’d never heard of Sheree North. In this movie, she is perfect in the part of the long-suffering, quiet wife of alcoholic dreamer Tony Randall. Pat Hingle is the closest to a moral compass that we get in this movie. Cameron Mitchell is the menacing or gentlemanly (which is it?) neighbor who threatens to turn their placid life upside-down. Good stuff.

By Lee Wallender

Deception, influence, fakes, illusions, themed environments, simulations, secret places, secret infrastructure, imagined places, dreamscapes, movie sets and props, evasions, camouflage, studio backlots, miniatures.

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