British DeHavilland Comet Passenger Jet, 1950

British DeHavilland Comet Passenger Jet, 1950

  In 1950, easy passenger jet travel was still a dream that could excite the public.  The deHavilland Comet was still in its infancy when, for a test flight, it flew from London to North Africa, a distance of 3,000 miles, at a top speed of 450 miles per hour. See Another Cutaway View of… Continue reading British DeHavilland Comet Passenger Jet, 1950

Oceanliner Cristoforo Columbo Cutaway, 1955

Behold, in all its gigantic 2500 x 1060 px glory, the oceanliner Cristoforo Columbo from 1955. This 29,100 ton Italian Line ship provided 703 tourist class, 225 first class, and 320 cabin class cabins. It’s a Rolf Klep masterpiece, part of a larger LIFE double spread that included an Super-G Constellation in the upper left. … Continue reading Oceanliner Cristoforo Columbo Cutaway, 1955

Super-G Constellation Cutway, 1955

A fine cutway from 1955 by famed illustrator Rolf Klep, of a Super-G Constellation. This is actually part of an amazing double-spread from a LIFE magazine, showing both this aircraft and the oceanliner Cristoforo Columbo. Accompanying text notes that the Constellation had a flexible seating arrangement.  In this drawing, tourist class passengers occupied the forward… Continue reading Super-G Constellation Cutway, 1955