Memory Scraps That Matter: Coffee, Peckers, and Bernstein

This isn’t about coffee or penises, but of course that’s what all you dirty-minded people care about. It’s about:  stray advice from the ancient past that lingers in your mind, for no apparent reason. Why do we remember things?  Why do we forget? We accept the forgetting part with age; it’s commonplace.  The remembering part… Continue reading Memory Scraps That Matter: Coffee, Peckers, and Bernstein

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Illustration Art Mania

I’m obsessed.  It began a few weeks ago when, on an Internet auction, I purchased an original drawing called “Rocket Speedway,” by Sidney Howell, executed in 1935.  Howell was an artist who occasionally worked for Orton & Spooner.  According to the University of Sheffield’s National Fairground Archives, Orton & Spooner major ride-builders and decorators based… Continue reading Illustration Art Mania

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