Shit I’m Always Trying To Solve

Q:  Why do some people pronounce strength as strenth? Q:  Why do self-styled badass, bro-type guys like to shake hands sideways, palms flat? A:  Likely solved.  A friend suggested to me that it’s a dominating move, especially since their hands are on top, facing downward. Q:  Why does Pink in the movie Pink Floyd’s The… Continue reading Shit I’m Always Trying To Solve

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Retro Words I Love

I love antiquated words. Some of the best stories about the origins of words come from a book called I Love It When You Talk Retro, by Ralph Keyes. The word “widget” comes from a 1924 play called Beggar on Horseback, by George S. Kaufman and Marc Connelly. “Taken aback” is a sailing term for… Continue reading Retro Words I Love

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