Hindenburg “A” Deck Walkthrough Video

Video Script The Hindenburg‘s “A” deck was the place where most everything happened–eating, dining, sleeping, lounging, sightseeing. Dining Area As we walk up the stairs from the “B” Deck, we go towards the Dining Area.  There were only a few tables in the Dining area, and meals were served in shifts, much on a train. … Continue reading Hindenburg “A” Deck Walkthrough Video

Office Ventilation Cutaway, ca 1940s

One of the great things about the old Fortune magazine was how it often treated extremely mundane subjects with great wonder and awe.  Not only would they profile the high-level anticts of John D. Rockefeller, William Randolph Hearst, and Henry Ford, but they would take things down to the opposite end of the spectrum and… Continue reading Office Ventilation Cutaway, ca 1940s

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